Hedvig Malina

Hedvig Malina (Slovak: Hedviga Malinová) is an ethnic Hungarian student[1][2] from Horné Mýto (Hungarian: Vámosfalu), Slovakia, who was physically assaulted allegedly in a hate crime incident.[3] Her case represents a highly controversial and debated issue of Hungarian-Slovak relations.[1]

Hedvig Malina
Born 1983
Horné Mýto (Vámosfalu), Slovakia
Ethnicity Hungarian
Citizenship Slovak Republic
Occupation student


Claim of violence

Malina claims she was severely beaten and robbed on August 25, 2006 in Nitra after speaking Hungarian in public.[3][4][5] She claims her attackers wrote "SK (probably Slovakia) without parasites" (Slovak: SK bez parazitov), and "Hungarians to the other side of the Danube" spelled incorrectly (Maďari za Dunai, in Slovak Danube is written as Dunaj) on her clothes.

All Slovakian political parties condemned the incident,[6] except the Slovak National Party, led by Ján Slota, which remained silent.[6]

Police investigation

Ján Packa, the head of Slovakian police set up a special squad, and started an investigation immediately.[7]

Some two weeks after the incident, police closed the case, concluding that she made up the whole thing.[1] Robert Kaliňák, Slovakian deputy prime minister and minister of the interior, declared that none of Malina's claims could be confirmed. Her mobile network operator did not record any call on the day in question. She explained that she had told the police several times that she did not remember whether she had been speaking Hungarian on her phone or to someone in the street.[7]

Malina claimed she had been robbed, and her identity papers were later sent to her address. Police claimed that a DNA analysis proved that the parcel had been posted by Malina herself. She gave the parcel to the police only two days after receiving it because of a national holiday. She had licked the stamp in an attempt to fix it back on the envelope after the police had asked her to turn over the entire package.[7][8] It was later pointed out that at the time of posting the pack she was in hospital.[9] In the hospital, Malina was treated for internal bleeding, which police authorities ascertain occurred before the claimed attack.
Graphology specialists assumed that the offensive writings on her clothes were most probably written by herself.[8] However, the specialist did not ask Malina for a sample, but instead used an application for a passport from eight years before that may not have been written by her.[7][8]

In a July 2007 interview with the Slovak Weekly .týžden, Malina said that Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico and Kaliňák initially believed what the police concluded, but later only kept repeating those statements due to outside pressure.[10] She also said that she felt calm and had finished her fourth year at university with an excellent result.[11]

Malina married her Slovak boyfriend Peter Žák in February 2008 after years of being together.[12] They have a daughter and a son.[13]

As of August 2011 the investigation is still not closed. [14]

Controversy over the investigation

Béla Bugár, then leader of the Party of the Hungarian Coalition (SMK-MKP) questioned the results of the investigation, calling attention to the fact that medical examination initiated by the police did not take place until 10 days after the case, allowing time for bruises to disappear.[15]

On September 13, 2006, Malina announced that she was maintaining her initial claims, saying she was willing to take a polygraph test, and that she and her lawyer, Gábor Gál were considering reporting the case to public prosecutors because the victim had been interrogated for six hours during which officers tried to persuade her to withdraw her claims.[16] Packa said the attitude of Malina and her lawyer was "the despising of the work of Slovak police",[8] and Kaliňák claimed that Gál was trying to make it into a political issue.[8]

Hungarian politician Viktor Polgár said that the incident was not an isolated case.[8]

The following day, Gál stepped down due to pressure and the whole SMK-MKP for being involved in the case,[17] and gave over the case to a Slovak attorney, Roman Kvasnica. Kvasnica laid a complaint with the Nitra prosecution, which was refused on October 18, 2006. In the meantime, state-owned Slovak television channel STV broadcasted a documentary directed by Eugen Korda, which claimed Kaliňák did not always tell the truth in connection with the case. The director was soon after dismissed from the television channel,[18] reportedly for unprofessional behavior.[19] The documentary reported mistakes made by the police and the Ministry of Interior but - according to a blog - was also biased and contained serious flaws.[20]

Charges against Malina

Kubla report

In November 2006 Juraj Kubla reported Malina to the authorities, accusing her of perjury.[21] At the end of November the police initiated criminal prosecution against Malina, who, in turn, brought the case to the Constitutional Court. In May 2007, Kubla committed suicide.[22] Kubla left behind a suicide note, but the police did not publish it.[23]

Hungarian political parties Fidesz and MSZP called Malina's case a show trial. Zsolt Németh noted that the media was informed about the act of accusing before the lawyer of the victim, and the accusation had been announced before it actually took place. Robert Fico called the comments "the coarse intervention of Budapest into Slovakian domestic matters".[24]

Korcek report

On May 26, 2007 it was revealed that another person besides Kubla reported Malina to the authorities. He was later identified as Peter Korček, a former secret agent and currently a member of the Christian Democratic Movement, a Slovak political party.[25]

A possible witness

In June, Zdeno Kamenický from Nitra claimed he knew one of the attackers, Robert Benci[26] from Nitra. Kamenický, due to uncertain reasons, was officially never interrogated by the police, who instead claimed that Benci had a "bulletproof alibi."[27] This alibi later turned out to be two contradicting statements from his mother and uncle, who said that Robert at the time was either at home sleeping or at a holiday place with his friends.[28] Also in June, Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány said that nobody has the right to doubt the independence of justice in another country.[29]

A change in view

The next month Packa, the head of the police, contrary to his claims he made one year before, said that "Malina might have been beaten."[30] He explained, "we never claimed she was not beaten. We claimed it did not happen the way she states." It was also revealed that medical certificates made right after the incident but disregarded by the police did prove Malina's recounting. Dušan Čaplovič, deputy prime minister also accepted that "she may have been beaten, but not because she is Hungarian".[30]

Examinations following the above statements suggested that Malina's handwritten testimony had not been copied accurately in typing, notably, an important sentence had been left out[31] though this was not confirmed by Slovak police. The Chief Prosecutor's Office started an investigation to find out if it was necessary to look into the case again. As a result, Chief Public Prosecutor Dobroslav Trnka admitted that both the police and prosecution had made mistakes without specifying them.[32]

Abuse of power claims

In August 2007, a former high-ranking police officer, Jozef Šátek, filed a complaint against Fico, Kaliňák and Packa, claiming that they had abused their power in connection with the Malina case. Legal experts noted that the Minister of the Interior, who is not a member of any criminal justice organ, revealed facts from the case file to the public even before the plaintiff had been informed her case had been shelved.[33] The complaint was dropped in September when the police concluded there was no reason to prosecute them.[34]

In September 2007, Chief Prosecutor Trnka decided to replace police investigators working on the case of Malina's alleged perjury[35] and start the investigation again.

In October 2007, Tom Lantos, Hungarian-born Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, asked Prime Minister Fico to distance themselves from the Beneš decrees,[36] for a reasonable process in the Malina case, and to treat members of the Hungarian minority as equals.[37][38] Lantos also blamed Fico for creating the climate for anti-Hungarian sentiments by including "voluntarily in his coalition individuals with known ultra-nationalist, anti-Hungarian attitudes".[39] Lantos said that Fico personally assured him that the Slovakian government had a "zero-tolerance" policy toward all kinds of discrimination.[39] Lantos said he was considering introducing a congressional resolution condemning the ethnic attacks,[39] saying, "The blame rests 100 percent with the Slovak side. This is not one of those instances where both sides are guilty."[39]

In December 2007, (15 months after the beating) the Slovak police gave the video cassettes about the initial Malina hearing to Roman Kvasnica, her lawyer. It turned out the police had broken the law several times. They forgot to mention three police officers were also in the room throughout the hearing.[40] The investigators stopped the recording at times. The hearing lasted for six hours, but the police recorded only five hours of it, and released only three hours of that recording.[41] Despite the police's early claims not one, but two cameras were used for the recording.[42] Malina is still accused of misleading the authorities for which she may be sentenced to five years in prison.

Malina then took her case to the European Court of Human Rights, challenging what she calls the "inhuman and humiliating" conduct of the Slovak officials.[4] She reportedly told the Népszabadság that she was looking for "moral satisfaction."[4]

Conspiracy theories

Malina got into the centre of several conspiracy theories, which relate the case to the Slovak authorities or nationalists.[9][43] Radio Slovakia International commented: "The victim has become the guilty party, and the question now is whether or not she will be prosecuted herself. She's been a pawn in a political game from the very beginning." ... "Thanks to the overtime put in by Béla Bugár and his ethnic-Hungarian SMK party, Malinova appears to be the victim of 'Slovak extremism', and not of a 'Hungarian game.' At this stage, we can only forgive Hedviga, but not forget those who were standing behind her the whole time".[43]


  1. ^ a b c "Violent video stirs waves in the Malina case". The Budapest Sun. http://www.budapestsun.com/cikk.php?id=27818. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  2. ^ "Slovak prosecutor dismisses assault case filed by ethnic Hungarian woman". Financial Times/AP Worldstream. 2006-10-18. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-21150118_ITM. Retrieved February 13, 2008. 
  3. ^ a b "Malina case bungled: Prosecutor". The Budapest Times. http://www.budapesttimes.hu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=635&Itemid=27. Retrieved 2008-03-11. 
  4. ^ a b c "Maligned Hungarian seeks higher justice". The Budapest Times. 2007-12-10. http://www.budapesttimes.hu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3070&Itemid=26. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  5. ^ "Une étudiante met le feu aux poudres ("A student sets fire to the powder")" (in French). lepetitjournal.com. 2006-09-18. http://www.lepetitjournal.com/content/view/8350/956/. Retrieved 2008-04-01. 
  6. ^ a b "A Hungarian student was beaten in Slovakia" (in Hungarian). Index. 2006-08-25. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/nyitra5601. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  7. ^ a b c d "Police:Hedviga lied". The Slovak Spectator. http://www.spectator.sk/articles/view/24629. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  8. ^ a b c d e f "Confusing contradictions in the Nyitra incident" (in Hungarian). Index. 2006-09-14. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/szlo0914/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  9. ^ a b "Conspiracy theories over Hedvig Malina" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/ossszel1115/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  10. ^ "I'm fighting until my name will be cleared" (in Hungarian). Népszabadság. 2007-07-11. http://nol.hu/cikk/453486/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  11. ^ "I am a stronger girl now" (in Slovak). .týžden. http://www.tyzden.sk/sk/osobnosti/rozhovor01_28.php?searchstring=hedviga. Retrieved February 13, 2008. 
  12. ^ "Malina Hedvig férhez ment szlovák barátjához" (in Hungarian). 2008-02-15. http://index.hu/politika/kulhirek/342792. Retrieved 2008-03-11. 
  13. ^ Kisfiúnak adott életet Malina Hedvig – Bumm.sk, 2010. július 1.
  14. ^ Case Malinová still opened after the years (in Slovak).
  15. ^ "Beating of a Hungarian in Nyitra thought to be made up" (in Hungarian). Index. 2006-09-12. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/szlo0912/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  16. ^ "Hedvig Malina turns to public prosecutors" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/nyitra0919/. Retrieved 2008-02-15. 
  17. ^ "Timetable Of Hedviga Malinová’s Case". Hungarian Coalition Party. http://www.mkp.sk/eng/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=33. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  18. ^ "New scandal in Slovakia due to Hedvig Malina" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/botr62372/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  19. ^ "Eugen Korda leaves Slovak Television" (in Slovak). Trend. http://medialne.etrend.sk/televizia/sprava.php?sprava=2969. Retrieved February 13, 2008. 
  20. ^ "Hedviga: Korda's programs contained both accurate and inaccurate information" (in Slovak). A blog at Slovak Press Watch. http://spw.blog.sme.sk/c/73862/Hedviga-Kordove-reportaze-mali-presne-zasahy-aj-hrube-chyby.html. Retrieved February 13, 2008. 
  21. ^ "Malina Hedvig prosecuted for being a false witness" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/malhed1110/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  22. ^ "Denunciator of Hedvig Malina left a suicide note" (in Hungarian). Origo. http://www.origo.hu/nagyvilag/20070525bucsulevelet.html. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  23. ^ "Két feljelentője volt Malina Hedvignek (trans: Two reported Hedvig Malina)" (in Hungarian). HVG. http://hvg.hu/itthon/20070526_malina_feljelento.aspx. Retrieved 2008-02-12. "A héten kiderült, hogy a feljelentő bizonyos Jaroslav Kubla volt, aki azonban nem pozsonyi, hanem vágsellyei illetőségű. A férfi május elején felakasztotta magát." "A környezetében iszákosként ismert Kubla búcsúlevelet is hagyott, de ennek tartalmát a rendőrség nem hozza nyilvánosságra" lit. Translation: "As it turned out this week the man who made the report was a certain Jaroslav Kubla, but not from Pozsony but Vágsellye. The man hanged himself in early May." "Kubla reportedly (by his associates/friends/people who knew him) having alcohol/alcoholism related problems also left a suicide note, but the contents of this note will not be published by (Slovakian) police." 
  24. ^ "Fidesz, MSZP: Malina Hedviget koncepciós perben akarják elítélni" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/mhedvig0517/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  25. ^ "Psychiatrists, discredited deputies and secret service agents around Hedvig Malina" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/malina0529h/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  26. ^ "Hedvig Malina's possible attacker questioned only as a witness" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/malinahedvig/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  27. ^ "Hedvig Malina's possible attacker denies allegations" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/mahed070621/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  28. ^ "Hearing of one of the possible attackers of Hedvig Malina is over" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/hedvig1022/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  29. ^ "Kauza Malinová: Gyurcsány sa zastal Fica" (in Slovak). Pravda. http://spravy.pravda.sk/kauza-malinova-gyurcsany-sa-zastal-fica-f0j-/sk_svet.asp?c=A070621_122736_sk_svet_p12. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  30. ^ a b "Slovak Police also thinks Hedvig Malina was beaten" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/malin724h/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  31. ^ "Rendőr másíthatta meg Malina Hedvig vallomását" (in Hungarian). Origo. http://www.origo.hu/nagyvilag/20070725-rendor-valtoztathatta-meg-malina-hedvig-vallomasat.html. Retrieved 2008-03-30. 
  32. ^ "Szlovákia főügyésze: hibázott a rendőrség és az ügyészség is Malina Hedvig ügyében" (in Hungarian). Népszabadság. http://nol.hu/cikk/463938/. Retrieved 2008-03-30. 
  33. ^ "A beating that never took place, but refuses to go away". The Slovak Spectator. http://www.spectator.sk/articles/view/25045. Retrieved 2008-03-30. 
  34. ^ Criminal complaint against Slovak premier dropped. ČTK - Czech News Agency. September 27, 2007.
  35. ^ "Malinová case to get new prosecutor and investigator". The Slovak Spectator. http://www.spectator.sk/articles/view/29295/10/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  36. ^ "Letter from Tom Lantos to Robert Fico". Congress of the United States, Committee on Foreign affairs. 2007-10-17. http://www.hacusa.org/press/lantos_letter.pdf. Retrieved 2008-03-11. 
  37. ^ "Chairman of U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee Calls on Slovakian Prime Minister to disavow Beneš decrees, ensure justice for Hungarian minority". Hungarian-American Coalition USA. 2007-10-22. http://www.hacusa.org/press/lantos_102207.html. Retrieved 2008-03-08.  (Press release)
  38. ^ "Offensive on Fico from overseas" (in Hungarian). Magyar Hírlap. 2007-10-24. http://www.magyarhirlap.hu/Archivum_cikk.php?cikk=137542&archiv=1&next=0. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  39. ^ a b c d "U.S. lawmaker blames Slovak government for ethnically motivated attacks on Hungarians". International Herald Tribune. 2006-09-05. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/09/05/europe/EU_GEN_Hungary_US_Slovakia.php. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  40. ^ "The record of the interrogation of Hedvig Malina has been leaked out" (in Hungarian). Origo. http://www.origo.hu/nagyvilag/20071211-kiszivargott-a-felvetel-malina-hedvig-kihallgatasarol.html. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  41. ^ "Why were three policemen present at the hearing of Hedvig Malina?" (in Hungarian). Index. http://index.hu/politika/kulfold/mh5553/. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  42. ^ "Video leaked out: what happened during the interrogation of Hedvig Malina?" (in Hungarian). Hírszerző. http://www.hirszerzo.hu/cikk.kiszivargott_kepsorok_mi_tortent_malina_hedvig_kihallgatasan.51649.html. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  43. ^ a b "Hedviga as victim". Slovak Radio International. http://www.slovakradio.sk/inetportal/rsi/core.php?page=showSprava&id=3716&lang=2. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 

External links